Dear Friends,
We are very happy and thankful with the celebration of the First Gathering of the Americas of Silo’s Message communities, recently held between the 4th and 7th of May in Paraisopolis, Sur de Minas, Brazil. This event included the participation of dozens of messengers, pilgrims and visitors from different cities and countries including Chile, Peru, Argentina and Bolivia.
These days together has left us with the feeling of unity as we see that the gathering tried to reach the objective of strengthening dialogue, good knowledge, valorization of diverse cultures, beliefs and internal experience.
The gathering began on May 4th in the City Hall of Paraisopolis as the commemoration of Silo’s first public conference that is known as The Healing of Suffering. Friends from different religions and spiritual organizations commented on the subjects of violence, suffering and how to overcome them.
On the following days of May 5, 6 and 7 the meeting was carried out in the Silo’s Message Hall in Sur de Minas with the participation of students, children, cultural groups and dozens of visitors that came from several cities in the region.
We believe that this gathering has been another step forward in creating awareness and deepening the Message in the region and also in ourselves. It has only been six months since the inauguration of the Hall and we are very satisfied with the quality of the exchanges and the internal experiences given in the different ceremonies that were celebrated in the Hall.
We finished these days with the experience of the future being very open, of joy in our activities and with our internal and external spaces luminous. Many thanks to everyone that participated and also to all those who sent their best wishes for the activities carried out in these days.
A very strong hug,
Messengers of the Hall in Sur de MinasMore pictures on:
First Gathering of the Americas of Silo’s Message communities