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Dec. 16, Red Bluff Park of Study & Reflection

Saturday morning, the Park green and beautiful in the rain, around fifteen of us gathered in the Center of Work for our usual monthly gathering. 

Two good friends from Berlin on Skype joined us via Skype as we began the day with the work with the Force and the Wellbeing, asking for friends and loved ones who are in need of support. 

Then we plunged into our theme, the Divine Feminine and its role in human history up to the present day and onward, exploring how we can strengthen the benign influence of feminine values such as caring and compassion in our world, now and into the future. 

Ken D. started things off with a powerpoint presentation about the millions of years of human development until the present day. Then we went into an in-depth study “The Rupture,” a work by Karen R. inspired by a letter from Silo from 2004. For about two hours we explored this fascinating and provocative theme, until, exhausted by the rigors of the discussion, we were forced to take a break for a sumptuous lunch.

When we reconvened, we devoted the afternoon to working with clay, making small sculptures that expressed our personal experience of the Divine Feminine. This turned out to be a surprisingly peaceful experience, and we all fell into silence as we let go of our worries about producing the perfect work of art, and just let the clay speak through our hands.

We ended the day by watching a video on the Neanderthal and their relationship to our homo erectus ancestors. When we ended the weekend, each of us carried the question of the Divine Feminine away with us, and we will continue to explore this essential theme in our everyday lives. 

We invite everyone who resonates with this theme to join us at the Park this coming January 19, when we will pit fire our clay sculptures and continue exploring this profound theme. This is an opportunity for all of us, no matter what our gender, to learn to let the Divine Feminine express itself within and among us freely, in balance with our masculine strengths. As we continue this work together, we are making a heartfelt contribution to our loved ones, our community, and our world toward the ongoing evolution of a complete human being full of peace, force, and joy.

Trudi R.



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